Monday, May 20, 2013

Some Interesting Blogs to Visit

I visited four blogs of my classmates. Therefore, I'm recommending for you to view them since there are many interesting facts you will find out.


This one is created by Nad'a Chrenkova. She mostly concentrates on the impact media has on children and adolescence weight problems. She clearly followed the rules that were given to us and had some very interesting links. Most importantly, I liked her essay. She clearly stated what the problems were and how parents can deal with it. There was some very good advice. Also, I enjoyed the design she used and it caught my eye immediately before I started reading her links and essays. This one was one of my favorites. 


Another interesting blog I found was by Jordan Julian. Her blog had a great structure and the topic was connected to me and probably the rest of the class. She talked about how users are depended on social/media networks. This is a problem that many of us are facing and there were many new things I found out. Great Job:)


The third blog I visited was by Csilla. The target audience for her blog are the parents of children. However, most of us are become parents and the information provided by her can be very useful in the future. With graphs, photographs, and articles Csilla did a great job proving her point; electronic media has a very negative influence on children and parents should be thinking of ways to introduce interesting and educational forms of media (books). 


At last, the final blog I viewed was by Alan Semelkin. He concentrated on the force of advertising. His links to articles and other information was very useful. But something I enjoyed the most was the video he posted with the Panda. It added humor to his blog and helped him prove his point. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Why I'm Interested

Watching movies is something I enjoy the most. Everyone deserves to do something they like on free time. Why connect this topic with children? Well, this is something that concerns me the most. I enjoy spending time with young children and taking care. It takes hard work and a good amount of time to raise a child properly. As children grow up some parents tend to spend less time with them. This is when their kids turn into the wrong direction. Many factors can mess up a teenagers life. The argument at this blog is that some films have a negative impact on adolescents and their lives. I'm hoping that parents and children themselves who will have the opportunity to view my blog will realize a number of things. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Educational Article Part 1

The following link will direct you to the article I have chose for this case:

The target audience for this article are the parents of the young generation. It is always important to inform them and clearly outline the facts to the problem they are facing. Since they are busy most of the time at work, there are some obstacles they cannot realize all the time. This article is trying to say that it is a true fact that watching movies with children can be fun and entertaining; however, parents should be aware that there might be harms in this process. 

The issues are outlined point by point. I am citing some points which I think are worthwhile to read straight from the article:

  • Although going to a movie theater can be exciting, movies can create anxiety for children with loud noises and frightening and upsetting scenes. 
  • Having a TV, VCR, or DVD player in children and adolescents’ bedrooms encourages movie watching without adult supervision.
  • Movies should not replace child-care or be left on as background noise. 
  • If parents are unsure whether a movie is appropriate, they should view the movie in private before watching it as a family.

Also, within the article a number of other links are recommended to view. They lead you to other topics such as "Children and watching TV" "Influence of music and music videos" and "Children and the News." 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Educational Article Part 2

This second article I found is called "Exposure of US Adolescents to Extremely Violent Movies."

This article basically studies the effects movies have on teenagers in the United States. It is outlined for the readers to have a quick overview of what it will be about. The first part is called the OBJECTIVE- it's stated that "Despite concerns about exposure to violent media, there are a few data on youth exposure to violent movies." I think it's great that some people are interested to conduct these kind of data. It means that they are concerned about the problem and are probably willing to solve some of the problems in the future.

The next part lists the methods that were being used during the research to prove the point. At first, a random-digit-dial survey was used. It was conducted on 6522 US adolescents aged 10-14 years. 

The results turned out to be the following: 40 violent movies were seen by a median of 12.5% of an estimated 22 million US adolescents aged 10-14. 

  • Most popular violent movie: Scary Movie
  • Violent movie exposure-associated with measure of parenting
  • Violent movies-associated with male, older, less educated parents

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Current Event #1

This is a recent movie called "The Gangster Squad" which was released January 11, 2013.

This is what the IMDB website writes about the movie,"Los Angeles, 1949: A secret crew of police officers led by two determined sergeants work together in an effort to take down the ruthless mob king Mickey Cohen who runs the city." Yes, this is true, however, as the plot unfold there are many negative examples that anyone who is watching the movie can observe.

First of all, the group of police officers are viewed as heroes, since in the end they defeat the mob and its leader, but there are so many scenes involved shooting, killing, smoking, etc. If a teenager is watching this, then many negative ideas can be observed.

The police officers are viewed as machos who are trying to solve the problem with shooting and killing all the others in order to get to the leader of the mob. Many young boys might think of them as "cool" and would wish to be in their places. 

I also thought that the movie was a commercial for smoking. One of the police officer lit the cigarret at least 10 times throughout the entire movie, if not more. 

The movie industry has not stopped to film these kind of movies and the audience is increasing over the years.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Current Event #2

This link will lead you to an article which is not too current, but was released this past December:

A shooting in Newton has led to a debate of why this kind of things are happening often for a while now. Many questions came up. "Is it our permissive gun laws?" "A failure to identify and treat people with mental illness?" "Are violent movies and video games to blame?" 

Recently Robert De Niro has been question about the topic. He believes that movies are not the factors causing such violence, but parents in a way are in charge of what can happen to their children. He comments about Nancy Lanza and her son, "I was just told by somebody that it was a shooting way for them to connect.... And that's interesting, but still, don't take an unbalanced kid to a shooting range. Maybe I'm just being simplistic; I don't really know the details. But take him to see animals and play with animals."

De Niro also makes a comment about gun control. He believes that it is one of the answers to violence. He thinks that it's insane how people in the United States can easily own guns and have one at their homes and that there should be regulations to it. 

He is right to the extent that parental control and communication is very important and it can be seen in the action's of their children. It also shouldn't be this easy to own a gun because who knows what can happen if a child sees it at home? All of these factors should be taken under consideration. 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Recommending Websites and Videos to Visit

Right now I'm recommending 3 webpages to visit. I believe that they will explain the point I'm arguing in detail. 

1) This link leads you to some research found online on how smoking in movies has negative effects on youth :

2) The following link will lead you to a website where issues such as violence among kids is explained clearly. Different topic come up on this website which is called "School, Violence, Weapons, Crime, and Bullying." Among all the different topic disscussed online I found one called "How movies influence a child to commit school violence." It explains clearly all the problems that the kids are facing.

3) Children at early age should be taught how to interact, live a healthy life, build on teamwork, share with their classmates and friends. Teaching them some of these traits will help them to stay away from all the other negative things in life. Among with parents being involved so should their teachers. Instead of children spending more time in front of television, cartoons, and movies other things should be valued. This is what a teacher of 4th Grade is teaching and here is a link to the documentary:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The film industry consists of a number of institutions, including: film-making  cinematography, film production, film festivals, and film distribution. Most people spend their free time either in front of their television, lap tops, iphones, or cinema screens. Nowadays people and especially young children are easily influenced by movies. Due to the advancement in technology they have all kinds of access. Movies can be downloaded straight from the internet and there are numerous websites that can be used by all age ranges. Unfortunately there are many examples of pirated movies online. This means that a movie has been obtained and later reproduced and distributed illegally. Some movies that are not expedient for adolescent and young children are available for them online. It is difficult for parents to control their kids all the time, so they might not be aware of what their daughters or sons are watching. Adolescents and kids are vulnerable and easily affected by many movies. Often they try to imitate something they had seen on screens and are under great pressure. Overall, many movies that are released can have a harmful influence on adolescents and younger children.

To begin, there are a number of movie genres among which some can have more damaging pressure over children. Crime, horror, and thriller are the top fields that are often viewed. As young boys especially are growing up they start to have desires, particularly to play around with guns and other damaging instruments. A number of gangster movies are great examples to which young boys look up to. Here are a number of top gangster movies according to IMDB: Goodfellas, The Godfather, The departed, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, The Usual Suspects, etc. In most of these movies the theme of narcotics, drugs, and guns are present. Many parents might not think about this, but it is very important to have some kind of control over children till a certain age since they might get involved in some kind of trouble. According to Child Trends Data Bank, “In 2012, in 2012, more than one in twelve twelfth-grade students reported using illicit drugs other than marijuana in the past month.” LSD, cocaine, and heroin are the top ones among illicit drugs. These are also drugs used in movies. Of course, other factors such as peer pressure and family problems can be the causes of children beginning to use drugs, however, movies certainly play a huge role.

Also, a number of studies have proven that movie industry can have a negative impact on a number of different levels on children. One great example that proves this fact is the Payne Fund Studies which was developed by the Motion Pictures Research Council. The main goal was to discover the effect of movies on children in five areas: information, attitudes, emotions, health, and conduct. Each part proved how children decreased their abilities in certain areas. Information: many things were found in this area among which eight year -olds will easily remember what they saw in a movie for at least six weeks. Also, children of all ages tend to accept what they see in movies as true facts and ideas. This proves that children exposed to R rated movies will have a negative impact. Other parts of the study proved the same idea, but with different facts.

At last, one great impact that movies can have on adolescents and young children is violence. Some horrible examples are if we think back on the school shootings and many homicides committed by youths. There is so much violence involved at this early age. Other factors such as child abuse, bullying, poverty, and substance abuse come along as the causes of violence, however, research is proving that children’s exposure to media and film is one of the greatest causes. Most families own at least one television, if not two or three. It is not easy for parents to control all the time what their children are watching. One great advice would be to not have any television in their kid’s bedrooms. This way at least they will reduce the time spent watching movies they are not aware of. This topic can lead to many examples and it is not easy to solve this problem, but parents need to remember that what the behavior and action of their young kids is mostly based on them.

To conclude, the film industry is expanding nowadays and children are aware of new movies. Most films do have a harmful effect on the new generation. Young kids are becoming more violent and drug usage is increasing. Why is this happening may you ask? There is no straight answer, however, adults have the power to control their children. It takes time and responsibility to take care of a young kid, but at least the parents know that the good amount of time spent with them will have a positive effect on their future. Certain movies can be very dangerous and will have a negative influence if there is not controlling involved. 
