Thursday, May 2, 2013

Recommending Websites and Videos to Visit

Right now I'm recommending 3 webpages to visit. I believe that they will explain the point I'm arguing in detail. 

1) This link leads you to some research found online on how smoking in movies has negative effects on youth :

2) The following link will lead you to a website where issues such as violence among kids is explained clearly. Different topic come up on this website which is called "School, Violence, Weapons, Crime, and Bullying." Among all the different topic disscussed online I found one called "How movies influence a child to commit school violence." It explains clearly all the problems that the kids are facing.

3) Children at early age should be taught how to interact, live a healthy life, build on teamwork, share with their classmates and friends. Teaching them some of these traits will help them to stay away from all the other negative things in life. Among with parents being involved so should their teachers. Instead of children spending more time in front of television, cartoons, and movies other things should be valued. This is what a teacher of 4th Grade is teaching and here is a link to the documentary:

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