Saturday, May 4, 2013

Current Event #1

This is a recent movie called "The Gangster Squad" which was released January 11, 2013.

This is what the IMDB website writes about the movie,"Los Angeles, 1949: A secret crew of police officers led by two determined sergeants work together in an effort to take down the ruthless mob king Mickey Cohen who runs the city." Yes, this is true, however, as the plot unfold there are many negative examples that anyone who is watching the movie can observe.

First of all, the group of police officers are viewed as heroes, since in the end they defeat the mob and its leader, but there are so many scenes involved shooting, killing, smoking, etc. If a teenager is watching this, then many negative ideas can be observed.

The police officers are viewed as machos who are trying to solve the problem with shooting and killing all the others in order to get to the leader of the mob. Many young boys might think of them as "cool" and would wish to be in their places. 

I also thought that the movie was a commercial for smoking. One of the police officer lit the cigarret at least 10 times throughout the entire movie, if not more. 

The movie industry has not stopped to film these kind of movies and the audience is increasing over the years.

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