Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The film industry consists of a number of institutions, including: film-making  cinematography, film production, film festivals, and film distribution. Most people spend their free time either in front of their television, lap tops, iphones, or cinema screens. Nowadays people and especially young children are easily influenced by movies. Due to the advancement in technology they have all kinds of access. Movies can be downloaded straight from the internet and there are numerous websites that can be used by all age ranges. Unfortunately there are many examples of pirated movies online. This means that a movie has been obtained and later reproduced and distributed illegally. Some movies that are not expedient for adolescent and young children are available for them online. It is difficult for parents to control their kids all the time, so they might not be aware of what their daughters or sons are watching. Adolescents and kids are vulnerable and easily affected by many movies. Often they try to imitate something they had seen on screens and are under great pressure. Overall, many movies that are released can have a harmful influence on adolescents and younger children.

To begin, there are a number of movie genres among which some can have more damaging pressure over children. Crime, horror, and thriller are the top fields that are often viewed. As young boys especially are growing up they start to have desires, particularly to play around with guns and other damaging instruments. A number of gangster movies are great examples to which young boys look up to. Here are a number of top gangster movies according to IMDB: Goodfellas, The Godfather, The departed, Pulp Fiction, Scarface, The Usual Suspects, etc. In most of these movies the theme of narcotics, drugs, and guns are present. Many parents might not think about this, but it is very important to have some kind of control over children till a certain age since they might get involved in some kind of trouble. According to Child Trends Data Bank, “In 2012, in 2012, more than one in twelve twelfth-grade students reported using illicit drugs other than marijuana in the past month.” LSD, cocaine, and heroin are the top ones among illicit drugs. These are also drugs used in movies. Of course, other factors such as peer pressure and family problems can be the causes of children beginning to use drugs, however, movies certainly play a huge role.

Also, a number of studies have proven that movie industry can have a negative impact on a number of different levels on children. One great example that proves this fact is the Payne Fund Studies which was developed by the Motion Pictures Research Council. The main goal was to discover the effect of movies on children in five areas: information, attitudes, emotions, health, and conduct. Each part proved how children decreased their abilities in certain areas. Information: many things were found in this area among which eight year -olds will easily remember what they saw in a movie for at least six weeks. Also, children of all ages tend to accept what they see in movies as true facts and ideas. This proves that children exposed to R rated movies will have a negative impact. Other parts of the study proved the same idea, but with different facts.

At last, one great impact that movies can have on adolescents and young children is violence. Some horrible examples are if we think back on the school shootings and many homicides committed by youths. There is so much violence involved at this early age. Other factors such as child abuse, bullying, poverty, and substance abuse come along as the causes of violence, however, research is proving that children’s exposure to media and film is one of the greatest causes. Most families own at least one television, if not two or three. It is not easy for parents to control all the time what their children are watching. One great advice would be to not have any television in their kid’s bedrooms. This way at least they will reduce the time spent watching movies they are not aware of. This topic can lead to many examples and it is not easy to solve this problem, but parents need to remember that what the behavior and action of their young kids is mostly based on them.

To conclude, the film industry is expanding nowadays and children are aware of new movies. Most films do have a harmful effect on the new generation. Young kids are becoming more violent and drug usage is increasing. Why is this happening may you ask? There is no straight answer, however, adults have the power to control their children. It takes time and responsibility to take care of a young kid, but at least the parents know that the good amount of time spent with them will have a positive effect on their future. Certain movies can be very dangerous and will have a negative influence if there is not controlling involved. 



  1. Nowadays children can get access to very influential information- they think what they see should be applied in the reality, especially in the cases when they watch movies. I share the idea that on one hand parents should be more careful of what they let their children to do- which electronic gadgets to use or even to have a TV in their bedroom, but on the other hand I support the idea of finding some better solution for limiting the access to these movies within the film industry. As they are the creators of movies, they are the ones that should act more responsible when it comes to creation of an impact on children.

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